Guiding Principles

Our development work ensures lives are changed through an empowered education and we are committed to:

> giving priority to programs which engage with the most vulnerable, marginalised and exploited.

> a partnership approach to development characterised by integrity and transparency.

> continuing to provide innovative, meaningful ways to connect our supporters with our work to facilitate a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities; and to engage and motivate them to be a force for positive change.

> partnering with local communities to identify, plan, deliver, monitor and evaluate development programs that are inclusive and empowering and that, over time, will result in sustainable local management and autonomy.

> being inclusive and offering support in a spirit of human solidarity regardless of race, gender, religious or political beliefs.

> promoting and advocating children’s rights and participation, gender equality and equity and empowerment of people with disability.

> promoting and advocating sustainable living and prudent use of earth’s resources.

> financial transparency and an effective and efficient use of supporter funds; investing in the expertise and skills of our staff; and an efficient and well run organisation.