It is a well-documented and disturbing phenomenon that gender-based violence increases during crises. The upsurge in violence against women since March 2020 has been deemed the “shadow pandemic” by the United Nations.
“In my life, we don’t have gender equality yet, in the future I want gender equality to happen all over the world.”
Ahluma is one of 65 courageous participants in The Justice Desk’s Mbokodo Club project in South Africa, which provides empowerment workshops, trauma counselling and self-defense workshops to GBV survivors.
Curbing and ultimately eliminating gender-based violence starts with education. ERFA only supports advocacy projects that involve BOTH women and men. After all, the majority of gender-based violence is violence against women, committed by boys and men.
ERFA supports and empowers girls and women through: gender-inclusive primary and secondary education; GBV awareness and education that targets BOTH women and men; psychosocial support for single mothers; trauma counselling for GBV survivors; and women’s microcredit cooperatives.
In just 24 hours, through the generosity of our supporters and matching donors, $175,657 was raised in this year’s campaign. An incredible show of support and one for which we are incredibly grateful