
Nairobi, Kenya


250 direct beneficiaries

2024 Funding


Mirror of Hope (MOH) is a community-based organisation offering education, care and support to vulnerable women, youth and children in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya to transform and develop their capacity to contribute positively and earnestly towards their own development and ensure equal access to education opportunities, business opportunities, healthcare, food and shelter.

MOH does this through the below projects.

Women’s Empowerment and SILC (Savings and Internal Lendings Community) project in Kenya

The training and economic empowerment project supports women living in Kibera, a slum characterised by congestion of population, poor sanitation & social amenities, inadequate security, high levels of gender based violence, and high levels of poverty.

A number of the women live with HIV/AIDS and are the primary or sole breadwinners in their households. Internal needs assessment reveals that most of the women don’t have adequate access to capital to expand or initiate business start-ups. They have also faced adversity in the form of government demolitions, fire outbreaks, and sporadic floods within the slums.


This project is based in Kibera slum Nairobi. It aims to equip 100 youths with skills to enhance employment opportunities. 60 will be targeted for computer training, 25 for music/entertainment skills and 15 will be engaged in an integrated program that combines environmental conservation and fine arts (these will involve recycling waste materials to fine artworks that will be sold by the youth to earn an income). ICT training will be done in 3 cohorts, each cohort taking 3 month until completion.

Music training and environmental conservation with fine arts will each be done in single cohorts per year. The youth will be trained on hands-on skills relevant to the job market (employment and entrepreneurial opportunities). The project will partner with relevant institutions including Art 360 and NairobiBits to offer opportunities for mentorship, benchmarking and participation in apprenticeship programs. Youth mental health and psychosocial well being will be incorporated in the project.


This project is a construction project for a meeting facility/marketplace in Kibera on the new MOH site.


The project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and by ERFA.

To find out more about the Mirror of Hope program, please visit mirrorofhopecbo.org