
Nairobi, Kenya


80 people

2024 Funding


Edmund Rice Centre Nairobi (ERCN) is a community-based organisation that provides educational, vocational and livelihood services to vulnerable communities living in the informal settlement of Kibera. ERFA has a proud history of supporting ERCN projects.

In 2022, ERFA is supporting ERCN project Education for Children living with disabilities (formerly Mary Rice Centre).

The project aims to enhance learning and developmental outcomes for 80 Children with intellectual and Autism spectrum disorder, by improving their cognitive and adaptive abilities.

They will be recruited, assessed and then enrolled at ERCN. Those enrolled will be taught basic learning skills based on their abilities; which will include reading ,writing, outdoor/ creative activities and activities of daily living. Their guardians will be empowered through various trainings on how to handle and offer continued support to the CWDs during non-school days. The project will transition the children every 3 years having empowered their parents.

Project focus


Education for primary and secondary students

Health care

Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.


Livelihoods training for parents